Gurl with a Clutch Pencil
4 min readFeb 20, 2019


Yes, Sir! No Sir! Sure, Sir! Please, Sir! Sorry, Sir!

Do they remind you of something?

Are those some words you use every day?

On the off chance that yes, at that point you presumably like each other individual is only a pack mule of somebody in a work environment loaded with your doppelgangers.

I wonder was it always like that? Or are we in an urgent need of a revolution?

How would you feel when you have a virtual eye monitoring your each and every move, or when you get into trouble for taking 10 minutes additional on your break?

At the point when a machine tracks your in and outs?
Have you at any point wondered how our workplaces use to be when such innovation didn’t exist?

I say, most likely significantly more advantageous, much healthier. So is it so that with an ever-increasing number of progressions we are moving backwards?

At least our mental health is.

As designers or most other inventive fields out there, we have a spot for a class of work where collaboration drives creativity and interaction drives innovativeness. It changes our perspective towards the issue and brings out arrangements that are user-oriented.

All things considered, it’s called Brainstorming which is as it should be.
Our brains are continually working, searching for something that can click whenever, anyplace and it just fits since Architecture is all over the place, even in nature.

Be that as it may, what happens when you get a restraining order for your manner of thinking?

Imagine a scenario where one day you are having an exchange with your collaborator and you get into trouble for talking amid work or addressed for doing something besides gazing at your screen. All things considered, some of you may reply back and clarify yet a lion’s share of you won’t and simply turn your head around keeping up being a machine. Regardless of whether you replied back, that one episode will pull your soul down. The soul to step up and make something one of a kind. In the end, you’ll begin feeling disengaged with your enthusiasm. Presently you’re certainly a MACHINE.

Are we supposed to function like that? What kind of Architecture evolves with a restrained mind, with a limited personality? How can you put your visions into actions when your brains aren’t stimulated enough?

You realize you had an extraordinary concept, you realize it can work, you know it’s sustainable as well as functional also, yet you can’t express it. You got that so-called restraining order on using your own brain and can’t avoid following orders.

What do you see around you? Is this the kind of Architecture you want encompassing us? On the off chance that indeed, at that point bravo. On the off chance that no then perused ahead.

Now imagine a workplace and people that are pushing you in exchanges that may or probably won’t identify with work, that includes you in exercises which are fun, that gives you a stage for you to find out about various portions of Art, culture and life, that gives you the opportunity of imagination and recognizes your dreams into activities.

How do you feel about that?

Do you feel Humane as of now?

That concept you worked so hard on is actually getting discussed. If nothing goes wrong it might actually get executed. Those days you spent on that research ain’t going to be for nothing. Those sketches you made instead of just making drawings and illustrations, always endeavouring to develop something out of the box were not an exercise in futility.

Do you feel the love for what you do yet?

So is it this innovation pushing us in reverse or it’s simply us who overlooked our foundations, excessively bustling exploiting these virtual eyes and workstations?

What you do makes difference and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.

Creating a team to make them work together just to meet deadlines Or be the team that respects each other and ideate together to create designs that are going to matter for the next few decades.

Be the boss who says “Go” or be the leader who says “Let’s Go”.

All I know is that healthy stimulated brain generates the best of all and sometimes to create something unique a day is enough, but sometimes to create something extraordinary even 100 years are less. Ain’t we all aware how Antoni Gaudi is as yet alive?

The man himself said “The creation continues incessantly through the media of man.”, and without a doubt, he’s living up to his words.

So maybe we don’t need another revolution that speaks about how technology transformed us into a better machine but the one that brings us back to our humane roots and respects our passion to create a better world.

Originally published at on February 20, 2019.

